Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
North Adams, MA 01247
1993-Present: Professor (Chair; 1994-2001; 2016-2019. Acting Chair, 2015-16; fall, 2011). Philosophy. Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA.
1990-1993: Assistant Professor. Philosophy and Mathematics. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Coordinator. Basic Mathematics Program and NJ Equal Opportunity Fund Summer Mathematics.
1988-1990: Director. Basic Mathematics Program, Scientific Reasoning Research Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Coordinator. Summer Teacher Training, 1988-89.
1985-1988: Instructor. Basic Mathematics Program, S.R.R.I., UMASS-Amherst.
1981-1984: Teacher. Mathematics and English Composition (grades 9-12). Hyde Park Academy, Hyde Park, MA
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA. Ph.D. in Philosophy.
Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. Graduate Studies in Humanities.
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. B.A. in Economics.
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA. Russian Language and Area Studies.
1993-Present: Professor (Chair; 1994-2001; 2016-2019. Acting Chair, 2015-16; fall, 2011). Philosophy. Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA.
1990-1993: Assistant Professor. Philosophy and Mathematics. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Coordinator. Basic Mathematics Program and NJ Equal Opportunity Fund Summer Mathematics.
1988-1990: Director. Basic Mathematics Program, Scientific Reasoning Research Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Coordinator. Summer Teacher Training, 1988-89.
1985-1988: Instructor. Basic Mathematics Program, S.R.R.I., UMASS-Amherst.
1981-1984: Teacher. Mathematics and English Composition (grades 9-12). Hyde Park Academy, Hyde Park, MA
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA. Ph.D. in Philosophy.
Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. Graduate Studies in Humanities.
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. B.A. in Economics.
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA. Russian Language and Area Studies.
(In progress) Crooked Timber (fiction; N. Braden-Johnson, co-author).
(In progress) "Improvisational Pedagogy" (essay; N. Braden-Johnson, co-author).
(2018) "Ode to Rosie." (N. Braden-Johnson, co-author). The Mind's Eye.
(2018) "Doing Justice to the Is-Ought Gap." (M. Silliman, co-author). Social Philosophy Today.
(2016) "Pianism." Shot Glass Journal, 18.
(2011) Bridges to Autonomy: Paradoxes in Teaching and Learning, M. Silliman (co-author). Pireaus Press.
(2011) "Critical Thinking, Autonomy, and Social Justice." (M. Silliman, co-author). Social Philosophy Today, Volume 27.
(2010) "Footprints in the Sand: Radical Constructivism and the Mystery of the Other." Constructivist Foundations, 6, 1.
(2009) Bridges to the World: A Dialogue on the Construction of Knowledge, Education, and Truth, M. Silliman (co-author). Sense Publishers.
(2008) “Tortured Ethics.” M. Silliman (co-author). Social Philosophy Today.
(2006) “Multicriterial Value Incrementalism.” (Appendix.) In M. Silliman, Sentience and Sensibility. Parmenides Press.
(2006) Fiction: “Ways of Knowing.” Cerebration.
(2005) “Lost in a Mirror: Dialogue with a Radical Constructivist.” The Mind’s Eye.
(2000) "The Anti-Theorist's Paradox: Dialogue with a Rortian." M. Silliman (co-author). In C. Hughes (Ed.). Cultural Integrity and World Community. Mellon Press.
(1999) "The Poverty of Relativism." In D. Fox (Ed.). The Challenges of Women's Human Rights and Activism in Africa: Perspectives on Relativism. Mellon Press.
(1998) "Critical Thinking and the Argumentative Essay." M. Silliman (co-author). Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 17, 4.
(1997) Critical Notice: The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. Religious Studies Review, 23.
(1996) "The View From Somewhere: A Philosophical Critique of Radical Constructivism." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 3, 4.
(1996) Critical Notice: Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals. Religious Studies Review, 22.
(1995) "CRITO: Informal Logic, Critical Thinking, and the Argumentative Essay." ERIC.ED 384.062.
(1995) "Hypothesis and Realism: A Comment on Sutton." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 15, 1.
(1995) "The Ought-Is Question: Discovering the Modern in Post-Modernism." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14, 4.
(1994) "Confessions of a Sentimental Philosopher: Science, Animal Rights, and the Demands of Rational Inquiry." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14, 1.
(1993) "Author's Response: Reply to von Glasersfeld." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2, 1.
(1993) "Language, Thought, and World: Confronting the Postmodern Challenge to Knowledge." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 10, 3.
(1993) "The Metaphysics of Constructivism." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 1, 4.
(1992) "Mathematics for the Many: A Review of Marilyn Frankenstein's Radical Mathematics." Radical Teacher, 42.
(1992) "The Final Conceit: Anthropocentrism in Ethics, Epistemology, and Metaphysics." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 9, 4.
(1992) "Reclaiming Reality: A Philosophical Critique of Maturana's Ontology of the Observer." Methodologia, 9, 5.
(1991) "The Illusions of Our Epoch: Postmodern Discourse and Epistemological Robinsonades." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 8, 4.
(1991) "A Pragmatic Realist Foundation For Critical Thinking." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 7, 3.
(1991) "Philosophical and Psychological Aspects of Constructivism." In L. Steffe (Ed.). The Epistemological Foundations of Mathematical Experience. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Clifford Konold (co-author).
ONLINE & IN-HOUSE DISCUSSIONS (All KJF discussion papers available on request:
(2022) "Constructivism, Education, and Toleration." Thesis XII. 26.1
(2018) "Eleven Theses on Realism." Thesis XII. 24.1
(2016) "The Problem with the Is-Ought Nonproblem." Thesis XII. 22.1
(2007) “On the Reality of Canada: Distinguishing SIR, HIR, and MIR.” Karl Jaspers Forum, TA92, C17.
(2006). "Innocence Lost." KJF. TA86-7, C32.
(2006) “Constructivism and Toleration.” KJF. TA86, C4.
(2006) “Footprints in the Sand.” KJF. TA86, C18.
(2005) “Constructivism De-radicalized.” KJF. TA78, C31.
(2005) “On the Proper Use of Words.” KJF. TA78, C25.
(2005) "The Metaphysics of Experience." KJF. TA75, R7.
(2005) "Make-Believe Metaphysics." KJF. TA75, R6.
(2005). "Anti-SIR O-D? No Sir!" KJF. TA75, R5.
(2005) "Between MIR, HIR, and SIR: Constructivism's Pronoun Problem." (Online Commentary.) KJF. TA75, R4.
(2005) "Realist Infighting." KJF. TA 75, R3.
(2004-5) Target Article 75. “The View from Somewhere: A Philosophical Critique of Radical Constructivism.” (Online discussion piece; previously published in Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Includes 42 commentaries.) Karl Jaspers Forum, TA75.
(2004) “Fallibilistic Realism and Skeptical Worries.” KJF. TA73, C16.
(2004) “If the Shoe Fits: The Metaphysics of Constructivism.” KJF. TA73, C34.
(2004) “Misunderstanding Misunderstanding.” KJF.
(1994-present) Thesis XII: A Philosophical Review. MCLA. North Adams, MA. Volumes 1-24.
"Is, Ought, and Justice." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Chicago, Illinois. July, 2017.
"Improvisational Pedagogy." Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. November, 2015.
"Improvisational Pedagogy." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Ashland, Oregon. July, 2014.
"Critical Thinking, Autonomy, and Social Justice." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Toronto, Ontario. July, 2010
"Paternalism in Higher Education." Professional Development Roundtable. MCLA. March, 2010.
“Bridges to the World.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. May, 2009.
“Socratic Blogalogues and other Tools for Teaching Writing.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. 2007.
“Tortured Ethics.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. 2006.
“Tortured Ethics.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Victoria, BC. 2006.
“Value Incrementalism and the Limits of Partiality.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) APA Central Division, Chicago. 2005.
“Morality and Concrete Attachments.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Omaha. 2004.
Moderator. Information Ethics Roundtable. MCLA. 2003.
"Value Incrementalism, Perfectionism, and Sentient Nonhumans." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) Society for Ethics and Animals. APA Eastern Division, Philadelphia, PA. 2001.
"Critical Thinking and the Argumentative Essay." National Critical Thinking Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2001.
"Value Incrementalism and the Obligation to be Vegetarian." (M. Silliman co-presenter.) Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs. APA Eastern Division, NYC. 2000.
"The Many Faces of Value." (M. Silliman co-presenter.) Society for Ethics and Animals. APA Pacific Division, Albuquerque, NM. 2000.
"The Origin of Speciesism." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) NASSP. Villanova, PA. 1999.
"The Anti-theorist Paradox: Dialogue with a Rortian." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) North American Society for Social Philosophy. MCLA. 1998.
Moderator, "Women's Human Rights and Cultural Relativism." Women's Human Rights in Africa Conference. MCLA. 1997.
"Critical Thinking." MCLA faculty Professional Development Series. 10.30.97.
Chair, panel presentation. "Assessment and Quality." MCLA. 1997.
"CRITO and Musical Analysis." Problem Solving Across the Curriculum. Rochester, NY. 1996.
"CRITO: Informal Logic, Critical Thinking, and Confronting Basic Prejudices." Problem Solving Across the Curriculum. Rochester, NY. 1995.
"Community Speak Out." (Moderator.) Cynicism in the Media. Albany, NY. 1995.
"Critical Thinking and Basic Mathematics." (Workshop.) Herberg Middle School. Pittsfield, MA. 1995.
"Are Humans Uniquely Moral?" NASC Honors Seminar. 1994.
"Beyond Buzzwords: Critical Thinking and Collaborative Learning." MCLA Faculty Development Series. 1994.
"Beliefs, Facts, and Values." NASC First Year Seminar (Guest Lecturer.) 1994.
"Access Issues in Education." American Society for Cybernetics. Philadelphia, PA. 1993.
"Cybernetics and the Art of Teaching Mathematics." American Society for Cybernetics. Philadelphia, PA. 1993.
"Teaching Basic Mathematics." (Workshop.) Equal Opportunity Fund. Rutgers University, Newark, N.J. 1993.
NIH Program for Minority Women in the Life Sciences. (Mentor.) Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Summers, 1992-3.
"Critical Thinking and Postmodern Anti-realism." Institute for Critical Thinking. Montclair, N.J. 1992.
"The Nature of Critical Reflection." NY Metropolitan Association for Developmental Education. NY, NY. 1992.
"Pair Problem Solving." (Workshop Series.) Newark School District. Newark, NJ. Spring, 1992.
"Collaborative Learning." (Workshop Series.) Camden School District. Camden, NJ. 1992.
"The Nature of Toleration." Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Pedagogy. Albany, NY. 1992.
"Thinking About Thinking." American Society for Cybernetics. Amherst, MA. 1991.
"Between Animal Welfare and Human Interests." Honors Colloquium. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. 1991.
"The Social Construction of Reality and Other Misleading Metaphors." Socialist Scholars Conference. NY. 1991.
"Constructivism as Pragmatic Realism,” and "Constructivism and the Transmission of Knowledge." American Society for Cybernetics. Oslo, Norway. 1990.
Review Editor, Scientific Journals International
Editorial Board, Piraeus Books.
Jazz Pianist
(In progress) "Improvisational Pedagogy" (essay; N. Braden-Johnson, co-author).
(2018) "Ode to Rosie." (N. Braden-Johnson, co-author). The Mind's Eye.
(2018) "Doing Justice to the Is-Ought Gap." (M. Silliman, co-author). Social Philosophy Today.
(2016) "Pianism." Shot Glass Journal, 18.
(2011) Bridges to Autonomy: Paradoxes in Teaching and Learning, M. Silliman (co-author). Pireaus Press.
(2011) "Critical Thinking, Autonomy, and Social Justice." (M. Silliman, co-author). Social Philosophy Today, Volume 27.
(2010) "Footprints in the Sand: Radical Constructivism and the Mystery of the Other." Constructivist Foundations, 6, 1.
(2009) Bridges to the World: A Dialogue on the Construction of Knowledge, Education, and Truth, M. Silliman (co-author). Sense Publishers.
(2008) “Tortured Ethics.” M. Silliman (co-author). Social Philosophy Today.
(2006) “Multicriterial Value Incrementalism.” (Appendix.) In M. Silliman, Sentience and Sensibility. Parmenides Press.
(2006) Fiction: “Ways of Knowing.” Cerebration.
(2005) “Lost in a Mirror: Dialogue with a Radical Constructivist.” The Mind’s Eye.
(2000) "The Anti-Theorist's Paradox: Dialogue with a Rortian." M. Silliman (co-author). In C. Hughes (Ed.). Cultural Integrity and World Community. Mellon Press.
(1999) "The Poverty of Relativism." In D. Fox (Ed.). The Challenges of Women's Human Rights and Activism in Africa: Perspectives on Relativism. Mellon Press.
(1998) "Critical Thinking and the Argumentative Essay." M. Silliman (co-author). Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 17, 4.
(1997) Critical Notice: The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. Religious Studies Review, 23.
(1996) "The View From Somewhere: A Philosophical Critique of Radical Constructivism." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 3, 4.
(1996) Critical Notice: Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals. Religious Studies Review, 22.
(1995) "CRITO: Informal Logic, Critical Thinking, and the Argumentative Essay." ERIC.ED 384.062.
(1995) "Hypothesis and Realism: A Comment on Sutton." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 15, 1.
(1995) "The Ought-Is Question: Discovering the Modern in Post-Modernism." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14, 4.
(1994) "Confessions of a Sentimental Philosopher: Science, Animal Rights, and the Demands of Rational Inquiry." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14, 1.
(1993) "Author's Response: Reply to von Glasersfeld." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2, 1.
(1993) "Language, Thought, and World: Confronting the Postmodern Challenge to Knowledge." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 10, 3.
(1993) "The Metaphysics of Constructivism." Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 1, 4.
(1992) "Mathematics for the Many: A Review of Marilyn Frankenstein's Radical Mathematics." Radical Teacher, 42.
(1992) "The Final Conceit: Anthropocentrism in Ethics, Epistemology, and Metaphysics." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 9, 4.
(1992) "Reclaiming Reality: A Philosophical Critique of Maturana's Ontology of the Observer." Methodologia, 9, 5.
(1991) "The Illusions of Our Epoch: Postmodern Discourse and Epistemological Robinsonades." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 8, 4.
(1991) "A Pragmatic Realist Foundation For Critical Thinking." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 7, 3.
(1991) "Philosophical and Psychological Aspects of Constructivism." In L. Steffe (Ed.). The Epistemological Foundations of Mathematical Experience. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Clifford Konold (co-author).
ONLINE & IN-HOUSE DISCUSSIONS (All KJF discussion papers available on request:
(2022) "Constructivism, Education, and Toleration." Thesis XII. 26.1
(2018) "Eleven Theses on Realism." Thesis XII. 24.1
(2016) "The Problem with the Is-Ought Nonproblem." Thesis XII. 22.1
(2007) “On the Reality of Canada: Distinguishing SIR, HIR, and MIR.” Karl Jaspers Forum, TA92, C17.
(2006). "Innocence Lost." KJF. TA86-7, C32.
(2006) “Constructivism and Toleration.” KJF. TA86, C4.
(2006) “Footprints in the Sand.” KJF. TA86, C18.
(2005) “Constructivism De-radicalized.” KJF. TA78, C31.
(2005) “On the Proper Use of Words.” KJF. TA78, C25.
(2005) "The Metaphysics of Experience." KJF. TA75, R7.
(2005) "Make-Believe Metaphysics." KJF. TA75, R6.
(2005). "Anti-SIR O-D? No Sir!" KJF. TA75, R5.
(2005) "Between MIR, HIR, and SIR: Constructivism's Pronoun Problem." (Online Commentary.) KJF. TA75, R4.
(2005) "Realist Infighting." KJF. TA 75, R3.
(2004-5) Target Article 75. “The View from Somewhere: A Philosophical Critique of Radical Constructivism.” (Online discussion piece; previously published in Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Includes 42 commentaries.) Karl Jaspers Forum, TA75.
(2004) “Fallibilistic Realism and Skeptical Worries.” KJF. TA73, C16.
(2004) “If the Shoe Fits: The Metaphysics of Constructivism.” KJF. TA73, C34.
(2004) “Misunderstanding Misunderstanding.” KJF.
(1994-present) Thesis XII: A Philosophical Review. MCLA. North Adams, MA. Volumes 1-24.
"Is, Ought, and Justice." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Chicago, Illinois. July, 2017.
"Improvisational Pedagogy." Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. November, 2015.
"Improvisational Pedagogy." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Ashland, Oregon. July, 2014.
"Critical Thinking, Autonomy, and Social Justice." (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Toronto, Ontario. July, 2010
"Paternalism in Higher Education." Professional Development Roundtable. MCLA. March, 2010.
“Bridges to the World.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. May, 2009.
“Socratic Blogalogues and other Tools for Teaching Writing.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. 2007.
“Tortured Ethics.” Brown Bag Presentation. MCLA. 2006.
“Tortured Ethics.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Victoria, BC. 2006.
“Value Incrementalism and the Limits of Partiality.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) APA Central Division, Chicago. 2005.
“Morality and Concrete Attachments.” (Nonpresenting co-author with M. Silliman.) NASSP, Omaha. 2004.
Moderator. Information Ethics Roundtable. MCLA. 2003.
"Value Incrementalism, Perfectionism, and Sentient Nonhumans." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) Society for Ethics and Animals. APA Eastern Division, Philadelphia, PA. 2001.
"Critical Thinking and the Argumentative Essay." National Critical Thinking Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2001.
"Value Incrementalism and the Obligation to be Vegetarian." (M. Silliman co-presenter.) Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs. APA Eastern Division, NYC. 2000.
"The Many Faces of Value." (M. Silliman co-presenter.) Society for Ethics and Animals. APA Pacific Division, Albuquerque, NM. 2000.
"The Origin of Speciesism." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) NASSP. Villanova, PA. 1999.
"The Anti-theorist Paradox: Dialogue with a Rortian." (M. Silliman, co-presenter.) North American Society for Social Philosophy. MCLA. 1998.
Moderator, "Women's Human Rights and Cultural Relativism." Women's Human Rights in Africa Conference. MCLA. 1997.
"Critical Thinking." MCLA faculty Professional Development Series. 10.30.97.
Chair, panel presentation. "Assessment and Quality." MCLA. 1997.
"CRITO and Musical Analysis." Problem Solving Across the Curriculum. Rochester, NY. 1996.
"CRITO: Informal Logic, Critical Thinking, and Confronting Basic Prejudices." Problem Solving Across the Curriculum. Rochester, NY. 1995.
"Community Speak Out." (Moderator.) Cynicism in the Media. Albany, NY. 1995.
"Critical Thinking and Basic Mathematics." (Workshop.) Herberg Middle School. Pittsfield, MA. 1995.
"Are Humans Uniquely Moral?" NASC Honors Seminar. 1994.
"Beyond Buzzwords: Critical Thinking and Collaborative Learning." MCLA Faculty Development Series. 1994.
"Beliefs, Facts, and Values." NASC First Year Seminar (Guest Lecturer.) 1994.
"Access Issues in Education." American Society for Cybernetics. Philadelphia, PA. 1993.
"Cybernetics and the Art of Teaching Mathematics." American Society for Cybernetics. Philadelphia, PA. 1993.
"Teaching Basic Mathematics." (Workshop.) Equal Opportunity Fund. Rutgers University, Newark, N.J. 1993.
NIH Program for Minority Women in the Life Sciences. (Mentor.) Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Summers, 1992-3.
"Critical Thinking and Postmodern Anti-realism." Institute for Critical Thinking. Montclair, N.J. 1992.
"The Nature of Critical Reflection." NY Metropolitan Association for Developmental Education. NY, NY. 1992.
"Pair Problem Solving." (Workshop Series.) Newark School District. Newark, NJ. Spring, 1992.
"Collaborative Learning." (Workshop Series.) Camden School District. Camden, NJ. 1992.
"The Nature of Toleration." Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Pedagogy. Albany, NY. 1992.
"Thinking About Thinking." American Society for Cybernetics. Amherst, MA. 1991.
"Between Animal Welfare and Human Interests." Honors Colloquium. Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. 1991.
"The Social Construction of Reality and Other Misleading Metaphors." Socialist Scholars Conference. NY. 1991.
"Constructivism as Pragmatic Realism,” and "Constructivism and the Transmission of Knowledge." American Society for Cybernetics. Oslo, Norway. 1990.
Review Editor, Scientific Journals International
Editorial Board, Piraeus Books.
Jazz Pianist